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Did you know the construction of the Leaning Tower of Pisa was one hundred and ninety nine years late? Literally everyone alive when construction started was dead by the time it finished. So unless you're having this read to you from the bad side of a Ouija board, you made it out the other end of issue seven's historically-speaking-pretty-short seven year delay alive. Which isn't too bad.
And, honestly, we can think of another, much more popular project we're involved with that you're STILL waiting on: The Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, which began construction in 1886 and still isn't done, and which the Spanish government hired us to write a delay-themed blog post about after seeing an early draft of the blog post you're reading right now.
Speaking of you reading things, we are very, very relieved to present Team Fortress Comics issue 7.
Steam Workshop Creators, can we have your attention please. The following message is so urgent, so time-sensitive, we made the executive decision to skip TikTok and Twitter entirely and break the glass on the most bleeding-edge communication technology available.
Welcome to the future. Welcome… to a "blog-post".
"Wow!" you're probably thinking. "I forgot how hard reading is!" Yeah, it's scary how fast you lose that. Don't worry, we'll be brief:
The last few Team Fortress summer events have only been item updates. But this year, we're planning on shipping a full-on holiday-sized update — with items, maps, taunts, unusual effects, war paints, and other community-contributed fixes for the game! Which means we need Steam Workshop content! YOUR Steam Workshop content!
So get to work! (Or back to work, if you were already working but got distracted when the entire internet simultaneously found out about this state-of-the-art blog-post.) Make sure to get your submissions into the Steam Workshop by May 1st, so they can be considered for this as-yet-unnamed, un-themed, but still very exciting summer-situated (but not summer-themed) (unless you wanted to develop summer-themed stuff) update.
People always talk about what a great musician Mozart was. But you know who never updated any of his albums with free music? Go ahead, guess.
Did you guess Team Fortress 2? Bzzt. Wrong. Because we're adding three new numbers from our Jungle Inferno update to the TF2 Fight Songs album. If you bought Fight Songs on Steam, you don't have to do anything, because the songs have automatically been added to your account.
If you bought Fight Songs somewhere else, or even if you didn’t buy Fight Songs, or even if you stole Fight Songs, or did any of those things and then later sold Fight Songs, or bought a recording studio out of spite and recorded a competing version of Fight Songs… look, you’re not on trial here. Download all three songs for free and we’ll forget the whole thing ever happened.
Anyway, did you guess yet? Did you guess Mozart? Because that’s what we guessed, too. Except we looked him up while you were reading and it turns out he’s famous for updating all his hit albums. But you know what he hasn’t done yet? Make his sheet music and Sibelius files available for free, like we’re doing literally right now: Sheet music. Sibelius files. Checkmate, Mozart. See you in hell.
Rick May, the inimitable voice of the Soldier for thirteen years, many shorts and countless updates, passed away this April at age 79. We were lucky enough to work with Rick many times in the studio over the past decade. A quick-witted and kind-hearted collaborator, Rick endowed the character with a trademark bellow and bootfulls of idiotic charm. The Soldier wouldn’t be the Soldier without him.
We are honoring Rick during the month of May with an in-game Soldier statue that will play some of Rick’s signature lines. He will be missed by the Team Fortress dev team and community, and remembered for the indelible character he helped bring to life for so many years.
It's that time of the year again! Merry Smissmas!
We've added 18 new community cosmetics, 10 new community War Paints, and 17 new community Unusual effects! Plus, the Festivizer can be found as a bonus drop when opening the Winter 2019 Cosmetic Case, and the taunt Unusualifier can be found as a bonus drop when opening the Winter 2019 War Paint Case!
It wouldn't be Smissmas without the Spirit of Practically Giving. Look for 50% off tons of items, taunts, and tools in the Mann Co. Store through January 7th, 2020.
And last but not least... Stocking stuffers for everyone! Merry Smissmas! See you in 2020!