Team Fortress 2 Update Released
November 22, 2013 - TF2 Team
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:
- Fixed a client crash caused by using custom HUD files
- Fixed a server crash related to damaging the tank with the new Medic shield
- Fixed Strange Australium weapons not properly tracking kills
- Fixed bots trying to attack an old sentry location after the gun has been picked up by the Engineer
- Fixed a bug that would cause robot "gate hat" items to be craftable. Gate hats that were crafted while the bug was active have self-destructed and become limited-quantity Glitched Circuit Boards as a commemorative token.
- Fixed the Adjust Unusual slider not working for some hats, including the Dr's Dapper Topper
- Fixed the Health Regen MvM upgrade string mistakenly displaying %
- Fixing the Killstreak HUD not showing up for Tier 0 Killstreak weapons
- Fixed Killstreak Mediguns not getting killstreak credit for assists
- Fixed using the wrong color in the HUD deathnotice for Killstreak weapons