Team Fortress 2 Update Released
October 30, 2018 - TF2 Team
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:
- Fixed XP-earned text being truncated for some clients
- Fixed some missing particles when running in DirectX8
- Fixed the Athenian Attire not being paintable
- Fixed the Electroshocked War Paint not using the correct color for the BLU team
- Added server ConVar "sv_downloadlist_include_navfile" to control downloading .nav files to clients (disabled by default)
- Added ESEA 6s Invite Season 29 and Season 30 tournament medals
- Added Brazil Fortress 6v6 Season 1 and Season 2 tournament medals
- Updated the LODs for the TFNew tournament medals
- Updated the Roaring Rockets unusual taunt particle effect
- Updated pl_rumble_event
- Fixed bumper car head start not being awarded correctly to the winning team of the normal world
- Fixed Merasmus announcing winner of the bumper car race twice
- Fixed players sometimes getting stuck on closing doors
- Added spawn locations for the collectable soul gargoyle in the normal world
- Increased sound distance for the flying sawblades so they can be heard from farther away
- Improved clipping in the underworld race area
- Updated pl_millstone_event
- Fixed an issue where players were able to trap Headless Horseman above the death pit
- Updated pd_cursed_cove_event
- Updated koth_slasher
- Fixed an inconsistent set of func_nobuilds at mid
- Fixed a spot where Engineers could hide buildings in trees
- Fixed players being able to build on top of the spawn rooms
- Updated koth_bagel_event
- Entering the underworld now puts players back to full health
- Players will no longer fall off the platform if they enter the underworld while moving backwards or sideways
- Added a couple pumpkin spawn locations in the underworld
- Minor visual update to underworld exit