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How I do love the holiday season. A time of year that makes the sweet things in life seem so much the sweeter. A time when ignoring the mournful cries of a litter of famished puppies provides the deep satisfaction of labored accomplishment. A time when delivering a sharp kick to the exposed shin of a desperate beggar takes on a certain character of charity. A time when sending one's witless minions repeatedly to their deaths at the hands of their equally witless enemies provides an unrivaled and noble joy.
So it is that in a fit of holiday induced discomposure I requested that Mr. Hale increase his shipments of weapons and equipment for exactly one week. Do not, my dear reader, interpret this as a sign of approval. Do not mistake me for thinking you worthy of this gift. I am merely attempting to ensure that you are properly equipped for the duties that you are required to fulfill as detailed in the contract that each of you signed. There are control points that need capturing, intelligence that needs recovering, and hats to be secured.
For those of you with more beard on your necks than sense in your heads -- those of you who feel compelled to analyze my every word with the exacting scrutiny of the socially disenfranchised -- I will provide the tedious technical details. From December 23rd to December 30th, a period of exactly one week, the rate at which items drop will be doubled. You might call this a "Double Drop Rate Week," but I call it an act of mercy. After all, we can't very well send you charging into battle without a proper gun now can we?
- The Administrator
P.S.: Miss Pauling has stated her desire to gift each of you with a "stocking stuffer." I have decided to allow her this unbecoming demonstration of affection. Perhaps when she is exposed to the full force of your indifference Miss Pauling's misplaced sense of devotion will wither and die much like my interest in continuing this correspondence.
You demanded a Holiday update, and by gad, you're going to get it and like it, pal. We've cooked up a fine feast of new weapons, garnished it with more headgear than you have heads, and left it simmering overnight in a new game mode. What are you waiting for?! Get over to the Update Page and chow down!
To celebrate we're running a big sale in the Mann Co. Store THIS WEEKEND ONLY!
Note: Because so many of you have asked for it, here's a link to the hi-res version of the Ol' Nick image you can use for a desktop wallpaper.
A few months ago we got a chance to visit Weta Workshop and were blown away by all the amazing things that they had made. Remembering how lonely our new offices were and how we've been meaning to spruce them up, we asked them if they could make something for us. They agreed, large sums of cash and top secret blue prints of a sentry gun were exchanged, and they got to work. Throughout the entire process, Weta Workshop teased us with gorgeous high resolution pictures and videos of their progress.
Finally, last week we took delivery of the full-scale level 1 sentry gun, complete with a motion sensor and audio. It's an incredible piece of craftsmanship that we just had to share with the TF2 community and any visitors brave enough to enter our lobby.
Also we wanted to mention we now have an official Twitter account in addition to our Facebook page. Tweeting is still fairly new to us, but stop on by and 'Follow' us if you're into that kind of stuff. Any other TF2-related Twitter accounts aren't us.
As you've probably seen by now, we like to change things in Team Fortress 2. A lot. And while we're perfect most of the time, we occasionally get something wrong. One reason for this is we just don't get enough data from internal play testing, and another is that we spend too much time watching Tom Bui serenades on Youtube (Hint: Search for "Tom Bui" on Youtube) (Another Hint: Click here). So to help us change TF2 even more frequently, we're pleased to announce the Team Fortress 2 (public) Beta.
What sorts of things will we use the beta for, you ask?
The beta is available to anyone that owns a copy of TF2. To install, launch Steam, open the Library and install "Team Fortress 2 Beta" from your games list.
What's in the initial release?
Three Natascha variants:
Our first attempt to play the ETF2L Highlander Exhibition match ran into some technical difficulties. This time around, we've been assured that the appropriate number of chickens have been sacrificed to the dark lord of the internet. You can find out all the details on how you can watch the match here. If you don't feel like firing up SourceTV, this time there are live streams as well.
While we're here, yesterday we forgot to link to the first productive use of TF2. Check it out!