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Who wants some a this?

November 23, 2010 - TF2 Team

We're getting a little slack around here on the blog posting front. In our defense, we've just had our second day of snow in Seattle, and that means civilization has pretty much broken down entirely. We were about to eat our last intern when we realized we wouldn't have anyone who knew how to operate the blog posting tool/machine/software/doohickey. Luckily the intern, bless his little proactive (and tasty) heart, wrote a detailed description of how to use it on the company wiki. Around here, we call that a Career Limiting Move.

In other news, Poker Night at the Inventory is out. I know this because last night I was slaughtered by a Demoman sporting Dangeresque shades, a severed head, and an inhuman sense of aim. Clearly, scientific proof that these items make you better at the game.

And while we're here, have some community links:

  • We're a little late linking to it, but we're not prepared to take the risk that you haven't seen TF2 LAN Trilogy (Part 1) by Boneyard Production's AndyBoneS14. It's so awesome that we thought we'd already linked to it, because it seemed inconceivable that we hadn't. Turns out we were wrong, which is slightly more conceivable.
  • epic.LAN dropped us a line to let us know that they're kicking off their UK LAN TF2 Tournament. There's money on the table, boyos!
  • TFPortal has put up Part 4 of their TF2 Fanstuff Special. They sent us a link when they put up Part 1, and then decided to shame us by seeing how many more parts they could release before we linked to them. On the bright side, Part 4 includes lots of neat community creations, so head over there and pretend that it's all part of this blog post.
  • TF2 Maintenance - November 9 - 1pm PST

    November 5, 2010 - TF2 Team

    This coming Tuesday November 9th, 2010 the TF2 item system will be down for maintenance starting at 1pm PST and ending at approximately 2:30PST. We are significantly increasing the amount of database horsepower behind TF2 to accommodate all the recent additions to the system. During this maintenance the following TF2 features will be unavailable:

    • Backpacks
    • Crafting
    • Trading
    • The MannCo store
    • Loadouts

    The game itself will continue to work. All players will have their default appearance and weapons.

    To keep abreast of the status of this and future TF2 item maintenance, subscribe to this thread in the TF2 forum.

    Note to developers using the TF2 Item Web API: As part of this maintenance all item IDs will change to eliminate negative IDs. We will be shifting all item IDs forward by 2100000. Depending on what data you store in your database, you may need to do the same.

    Shh. Sascha is asleep.

    November 3, 2010 - TF2 Team

    Poker Night at the Inventory is now available for pre-order. If you move fast, not only will you save 10% off the already low price, but you'll also pick yourself up a sweet pre-order bonus of this spiffy Poker Visor for your favorite Heavy. Once the game is released, you'll also be able to unlock new TF2 items by beating The Heavy, Max, Tycho, or Strong Bad at high stakes games of poker.

    This is pretty exciting to us - it's the first time a game made by someone other than us allows you to find TF2 items by playing it. If you'd asked us, as we slaved away on TF2 back in '63, whether one day you'd be able to get the Heavy's first minigun off him by playing poker, we'd think you were nuts. Then we'd have hired you, because you had a vision for the future.

    If you're curious, here's the set of items that you'll be able to collect inside Poker Night at the Inventory:

    • The Enthusiast's Timepiece - Tycho's favorite timepiece (equippable by the Spy)
    • License to Maim - Max's Badge (equippable by all classes)
    • The Lugermorph - A second chance at Max's personal armament (equippable by the Scout and the Engineer)
    • The Iron Curtain - The Heavy's first love (equippable by the Heavy, obviously)
    • Dangeresque, Too? - Strong Bad's styling glasses (equippable by the Demoman)

    Here, have some art.

    October 29, 2010 - TF2 Team

    We've received a bunch of mail asking us for hi-res images of the Scream Fortress artwork. So here you go, click the images below to download the larger versions.


    Sound of Blog Post Being Posted

    October 27, 2010 - TF2 Team

    Two blog posts in two days? Your eyes don't deceive you. We're blog-writing machines this week, and there's plenty of gas in the tank.

    Today's update includes both of the Art Pass Contest Winners' maps: Mountain Lab by Valentin "3Dnj" Levillain, and Mann's Manor by Tim "YM" Johnson and Alex Kreeger.

    Also included in this update: You being scared! [sound of bat wings] That's right, it's the Second Annual Team Fortress Halloween Special. Will there be ghosts? Quite possibly. Will there be exploding pumpkins? You never know. Will you wet your pants in terror? If you're anything like us, emphatically yes.

    And what more perfect holiday than Halloween to add the scariest feature yet to the Mann Co. Store: Gift wrapping! If someone decides to trick or treat on your server, wrap up that spare bottle of Jarate and give them the gift a thousand words could never describe, and a thousand therapist appointments will never undo.

    Also added to the store: new community items themed for Halloween and a few scary hats of our own dark design. Some of these new holiday items are only available to purchase during the holiday, but will remain wearable all year round, so grab 'em while they're grabbable.