Team Fortress 2 Update Released
July 20, 2023 - TF2 Team
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:
- Added main menu character for the Summer event
- Fixed pd_watergate capture zone not working properly
- Fixed geometry collision issue with the Wildflower Meadows Unusual effect
- Fixed the Deepsea Rave Unusual effect's ground particles not being visible on some surfaces
- Fixed Bubble Breeze, Global Clusters, Celestial Starburst, and Sylicone Succiduous Unusual effects not following moving players
- Fixed the Strange Filter prefix for pd_selbyen
- Fixed broken materials for the second style of the Cranium Cover
- Updated koth_sharkbay
- Fixed the flying boat
- Removed collision from seagulls
- Updated Map Stamp icons
- Updated cp_hardwood_final
- Fixed a crash affecting a small number of players
- Minor clipping adjustments throughout the map
- Minor lighting issues fixed throughout the map
- Adjusted areaportalwindow fade brush textures
- Adjusted collisions for some props
- Updated cp_steel
- More blockbullet /clipbrush swaps where needed
- Fixed some stairs/ramp brushes needed to be extended to the bottom of the ramp
- Fixed more small unnecessary prop collision/clip removals
- Fixed blatant texture misalignment
- Addressed perch spot outside Red spawn on wood beam
- Closed some accidental holes in geometry
- Additional fixes to a sticky/shooting exploit through and under Red's E platform area
- Increased pit damage to kill some certain class loadouts in a single trigger
- Moved Blu spawns forward a little to previous distance
- Extended projectile blocker brush along the top side of the Blu spawn building's roof
- Fixed Sniper sightline into Red's first spawn points from E
- Updated koth_rotunda
- Aligned various textures and fixed cubemap issue
- Improved clipping
- Improved lighting and reduced visual noise on some textures
- Raised gate to flank route for ease of access
- Aligned some props
- Fixed out-of-bounds exploit related to func_tracktrain (Thank you, The Nubing!)
- Added missing collision to some props
- Sealed the map more
- Updated cp_sulfur
- Fixed a case where Blu could win too well and lock the timer, not correctly allowing them to win when their timer hit 0 and they owned the main control point
- Fixed a case where Blu could contest their own win
- Fixed a case where you could build a teleporter under a platform and become trapped
- Altered Blu spawn positions to better lead players towards the point they should be attacking during different states of the game
- Altered Red spawn positons to spread them out when defending main point
- Lowered Red's initial time to defend slightly
- Convinced the boiling water to properly scald people that are submerged below the surface
- Gravity density in the potplants has been correctly calibrated
- Reduced time added to Red's clock when Blu captures A, B and C slightly - further calibration going forward
- B can no longer be capped from the outside of the building
- Area under Point A can no longer be accessed
- Fixed numerous perch points, clipping errors and small visual errors - special thanks to Wicket on Steam discussions for reporting most of these
- Updated pd_selbyen
- Fixed exploit that would let you build in spawn
- Seal will now select a random skin every time it teleports to the break room (3 possible skins)
- Adjusted oob seal animation timings
- Fixed seal swimming animation
- Added missing resupply cabinet on the Blu side
- Added some missing clipping that would let players build in undesirable places
- Fixed some floating windows
- Fixed some props clipping through stuff
- Fixed some displacements clipping through stuff
- Fixed some displacement seams
- Fixed some visible nodraws
- Fixed some z-fighting
- Various detailing additions
- Updated vsh_distillery, vsh_tinyrock, vsh_nucleus, vsh_skirmish
- TF_Bots now function in Versus Saxton Hale
- Fixed first-person spectators not seeing Hale's arms glow when he uses his abilities
- Fixed players dropping Player Destruction pickups
- Fixed Hale sometimes holding Necro Smasher or Sandvich
- Fixed Hale's "Dispenser Down..." line playing for any type of building destroyed
- By community request, added Pyro VSH lines, performed by James McGuinn
- Updated VSH voice lines for Spy
- "Behind you" and "Above you" now play exclusively for the player the line is addressed to
- Reduced the frequency of Hale's on-kill lines with more than 20 players currently alive
- Mad Milk recharge rate returned to stock value
- Demoman's Swords now deal less knockback than other melee weapons
- Demoman's Shields will now break when absorbing a Hale punch
- Fixed a bug relating to sending a class-restricted duel to Hale during Setup
- Updated vsh_skirmish (additional changes)
- Fixed an exploit that allowed players to build out of bounds
- Added decals to ammo pack locations throughout the map
- Updated vsh_distillery (additional change)
- Fixed crash when using mat_phong 0