Team Fortress 2 Update Released
July 25, 2023 - TF2 Team
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:
- Added check to make Mann vs. Machine invaders immune to pushback while leaving their spawn
- Added -unrestricted_maxplayers to raise the maxplayer count to 100 (feature is unsupported and not recommended)
- Fixed VSH and other player-destruction gamemodes leaking their HUDs into one another
- Fixed Saxton Hale's weapons showing up as being carried by an incorrect/invalid player in VSH
- Fixed Saxton Hale's weapons sometimes showing up as invalid in VSH
- Fixed a crash that can occur when changing from VSH to another map
- Fixed a crash that can occur related to MP3s on VSH maps
- Fixed a crash that can occur when using changing model detail setting or using r_flushlod
- Fixed a crash when going between two sv_pure servers with maps packing custom content
- Fixed changing model detail setting or using r_flushlod not always taking effect
- Fixed packed replacement materials/textures/models in a custom map could leak into other maps or rendering as wireframe
- Fixed custom particle overrides not being reloaded on servers without sv_pure
- Fixed game mode descriptions for some of the summer map stamps
- Fixed embedded workshop map soundscripts not being loaded on clients (community fix from 'Jakub' (ficool2))
- Fixed a crash when using the game_ui entity and players discconnecting (community fix from 'Jakub' (ficool2))
- Fixed teleporter particle effects (community fix from 'Jakub' (ficool2))
- Updated/Added some tournament medals
- Updated cp_altitude
- Increased size of C capture area
- Reduced initial round timer from 6 to 5 minutes
- Increased max round timer length from 6 to 8 minutes
- Increased Blu respawn wave time on A from 3 to 4
- Increased Red respawn wave time on C from 8 to 9
- Reduced Blu respawn wave time on C from 3 to 2
- Various visual fixes and adjustments
- Updated koth_cascade
- Various player and projectile collision fixes
- Various visual fixes and adjustments
- Adjusted resupply locker positions
- Updated cp_steel
- Fixed missing glass from bullet blocked windows
- Removed some more ceiling light collisions
- Improved clipping around B -> C building
- Small safety improvement to Blu flank balcony to B
- Some extra block bullets around B floor
- Updated pl_phoenix
- Increased Red respawn wave time on D from 8 to 9
- Fixed projectile collision bug around the payload elevator track
- Fixed a case where the payload cart could get stuck at the base of the elevator
- Various clipping fixes
- Various visual fixes
- Updated vsh_distillery, vsh_tinyrock, vsh_nucleus, vsh_skirmish
- The script no longer forces mp_winlimit and mp_maxrounds to 0
- Community servers now can expand the Script by creating a new file at scripts/vscripts/vsh_addons/main.nut
- Community servers now can select the next Hale via SetNextBossByEntity, SetNextBossByEntityIndex and SetNextBossByUserId functions
- The Diamondback now gains 2 guaranteed crits upon backstab
- Hale's attacks now pierce through damage absorption of the Wrangler shield
- Hale will now receive an instructional notification if they haven't performed a Brave Jump during the first 30 seconds of a round
- Fixed bugs related to Your Eternal Reward's on-backstab disguise
- Fixed Festive Eyelander not gaining heads on-hit
- (Hopefully) Fixed Hale sometimes appearing to hold the Necro Smasher or the Sandvich
- (Hopefully) Fixed some players being unable to punch as Hale ("A-posing")
- Fixed Hale disappearing when the game tries (and fails) to gib him
- Both sides dying simultaneously now counts as Stalemate
- Updated vsh_skirmish (additional changes)
- Added a live feed to the office
- Improved clipping in multiple areas