Team Fortress 2 Update Released
July 19, 2024 - TF2 Team
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:
- Moved 64-bit Steam binaries to the correct folder
- Updated the equip_region for the Free Mann's Fashion
- Updated the Distant Drift Unusual effect to fix a visibility issue
- Updated the Butterfly Season Unusual effect to fix problems with the scale and effect trails
- Updated the Fiesta Royale and Grand Jubilee Unusual taunt effects with performance improvements
- Updated the Botler 2000 to fix problems with its positioning
- Updated koth_megaton
- Fixed the finale being cut off by a round ending too early
- Fixed players not being blown to smithereens during the finale
- Fixed players being able to get stuck in the edges of the thatch rooftops
- Improved optimization. Investigation into further improvements for lower-end and config users is ongoing.
- Updated cp_canaveral_5cp
- Fixed an out-of-bounds exploit
- Fixed some stuck spots
- Fixed some hovering props
- Added some missing overlays
- Updated cp_overgrown
- Fixed being able to build in RED spawn
- Adjusted clipping to fix a few perch points
- Removed extra shadow_control entity (Thanks Lacry!)
- Fixed a number of small visual and gameplay issues on the map (Thanks Midnite!)
- Updated pl_odyssey
- Fixed an exploit that allowed BLU players to enter RED spawn
- Fixed lighting issues in BLU first spawn